Friday, March 16, 2007

10 Simple steps to more Fun

10 Simple steps to more Fun

I was flipping through a magazine and this list of things caught my attention. I think I am going try give them a try --and maybe come up with some of my own.

1. Go to a movie or play you wouldn't ordinarily see -- a Latin American import, say, or something with a sports theme. Your tastes may widen in ways you never predicted.
2. Schedule a meeting at breakfast rather than lunch to break up your day in a new way.
3. Sit down and write an old-fashion letter -not an email, not a hastily jotted note -- to someone you've been meaning to get in touch with for ages.
4. Ask a friend or colleague for a book recommendation and follow it -- even if you never read mysteries.
5. Take a different route to work and stop somewhat new for your coffee and bagel.
6. Keep a dairy for a week in which you jot down every surprising thought that comes into your head.
7. Take your child off his schedule and do something fun together. And don't fret about it, either -- the soccer team will survive without him at one practice.
8. Forget lunch at your desk. Go outside and try that cute new cafe near your office.
9. Switch around your weekly chores. Shop for groceries on Tuesday instead of Saturday or do laundry on Thursday instead of Monday. Who knows? Maybe you'll discover a better way of doing things.
10. Pretend you're a tourist in your own town and look with fresh eyes at a familiar landmark or scenic view.

This led me to come up with some of my own.
1. Take time to play in the rain, without worrying about getting sick or your hair.
2. Explore the world through the eyes of a dog. They see everything with curosity and wonder.
3. Watch an old "black and white" movie with the sound off (or a silent movie) and add your own words.
4. Go fly a kite.
5.Entertain a child as a child. In other words, play with a child on they level.
6. Fingerpaint.
7. Spend a rainy afternoon under the blanket tent in the living room.

As I was compiling this list, I realized a great deal of it was about being a child or interacting with a child. This brought to mind Matthew 18:3-5.

And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little chlidren, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."
So. Be like a child and have fun. Also, remember
Life is short. Live it to the fullest. Laugh at it, vaule it, Enjoy it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I am finally a youth . . .

I am finally a youth. . . .

Well. let me explain.
Our youth group loves to worship the Lord. They love songs that they can clap to or make hand motions to. Having been a youth sponsor for the last several years, I have become accustomed to this action as well. Camp Zenith is an awesome place to experience the youthful love of the Lord. It is great to see about five hundred teens (and sponsors) showing their love for Christ. Yet when our youth group worships on Sunday morning during service, they want to clap but are discouraged by out older members.Now I know you are asking "where is the leading?" I will tell you. A couple of weeks ago, our church hosted an area wide singing. There are several groups that come in to perform for about an hour. This is followed up with congregational singing. One of the groups that come to sing is from the black church in Wichita Falls. Let me say that that is worship and praise from not only the heart but the soul. I love how they let the Spirit move them. Anyway, one of the gentlemen from their group led us in a couple of songs. When he did "Just a little talk with Jesus", a friend of mine and I were clapping along with the beat. One of our members turned around and glared at us as if to say "you should not be doing that in the house of the Lord." At first this made me feel like I had done something wrong. Then I thought of the youth group and decided I wanted to show my praise for the wonder God that watches over me, that encourages me, that LOVES me. What happened --- I clapped even louder. God had provided an evening of great singing. God had provided me with the ability to hear this music. God had made it possible for me to be there. I wanted to praise my God --- and I did.