Friday, September 14, 2007

Prayer Request

I have had a bad week. Well maybe just a hard week. The girl I work with turned in her notice last week. This upset me, not because I would miss her. That is another story better left for another day. I will say that I tolerated her and her work habits. But her leaving means a major work load for me. There are no pobbible applicants to take the job. So for an undetermined about of time -- possibly months-- I will have to do everything in my office by myself. This means long late hours, Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those days I have class and I intend on attending that class. If I am not finished by class time, I will have to leave and then come back to finish working untill 9 or 10 oclock at night. The other reason this move upset me was because I have tried for years to get a job away from the bank. Nothing but she gets one.

The prayer request is for a job that takes me away from the long hours, the type of work I do, annd the sins I witness daily at the bank. I have sacrificed my life for that job for years, with no hope of promotion or gratification, and now I need to live my life. God has been sending me signs to follow my dreams but the job I currently have will not allow me to do this. And at this point, I am not even sure I will be able to attend Wednesday services on a regular basis.

Please pray for me about this.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

today is special

Happy Birthday Greetings to my friend

Chris Robey